Cost Containment Certification

Step 2: Safety Coordinator or Committee

Cost Containment Certification requires one full year of documentation demonstrating the minimum requirements outlined in Steps 1-6 are in place and effective at your organization.

Now that you’ve established and started to implement a safety policy for step one, you’re ready to designate a safety coordinator or create a safety committee—or both—depending on your organization’s size.

Cost Containment Certification application requirements

When you’re ready to apply for certification, Step 2 will require you to provide documentation covering: 

  1. Detailed Responsibilities of the Safety Coordinator or Safety Committee 
  2. Meeting agendas and meeting minutes (if you have a Safety Committee). 
  3. If applicable, provide proof of safety inspections such as a copy of a completed safety inspection checklist or job hazard analysis.

Additional Safety Coordinator and Safety Committee guidance

Safety Coordinator responsibility examples

Here are examples of the types of responsibilities a safety coordinator can take on: 

Reviewing your organization’s safety policy and safety rules annually, and updating them as necessary. 

  • Helping your organization remain compliant with government standards concerning safety and health. 
  • Making recommendations to management on matters pertaining to safety.
  • Conducting safety inspections 
  • Assisting with job hazard analyses (JHAs)
  • Conducting accident investigations 
  • Your safety coordinator or safety committee responsibilities document clearly defines the tasks and objectives. 
  • If you have a safety committee, provide meeting agendas and meeting minutes.

A safety coordinator doesn’t necessarily have to perform all of these duties directly. They can delegate certain tasks — such as conducting employee safety training or performing accident investigations — to other supervisors or managers. 

If the coordinator does delegate a task, however, they will need to check to make sure the information submitted is accurate and thorough. 

Safety Coordinator Objectives

Safety committee tips

If you choose to create a safety committee, here are a few things to keep in mind: 

  • A safety committee is typically made up of members from a variety of departments and job roles and serves as a liaison between employees and management should a safety concern arise. 
  • At least one person on the committee should be in a position of authority — such as a supervisor — so that if a safety concern or hazard is identified, it can be addressed immediately
  • One person should be clearly designated as chairperson for the safety committee. 
  • Safety committee meetings should take place at least quarterly and make effective use of the members’ time. 
  • Committee members should work with supervisors and senior management to help identify hazards and possible corrective actions. 

Safety Committee Objectives

Safety committee meeting notes and agenda

Pinnacol Assurance assumes no responsibility for management or control of customer safety activities. Please ensure your business meets the requirements of all federal, state, and local laws, regulations, or ordinances related to workplace safety.

Pinnacol customers receive free certification assistance and an exclusive workbook.

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