June 20, 2019

Study: Spanish-speaking injured workers paired with bilingual claims reps

Pinnacol has collected data showing that when a Spanish-speaking claims representative serves a Spanish-speaking injured worker, the injured worker’s satisfaction scores are, on average, .67 point higher and the costs associated with the claim are, on average, $1,500 lower. Based on this data, Pinnacol is conducting a pilot study to determine how we can assign more Spanish-speaking injured workers to our Spanish-speaking claims representatives.

As of June 3, three Pinnacol business teams are assigning all of their Spanish-speaking claims to Spanish-speaking claims representatives. We expect both our agent partners and mutual customers to benefit from this change, but please be aware that, during the pilot, you might interact with a different Pinnacol claims representative. A Spanish-speaking claims representative will work closely with your original claims representative.

We don’t plan to move existing Spanish-speaking claims during the pilot. Instead, new claims will be assigned to Spanish-speaking claims representatives, and these new claims will be added to your assigned team.

We will monitor the following factors to determine the pilot’s success:

  • Injured worker satisfaction (Division of Workers’ Compensation and Pinnacol Net Promoter Score)
  • Average claims costs
  • Percentage, number and cost of settlements
  • Days to maximum medical improvement
  • Percentage of injured workers who are represented by attorneys

We will keep you informed about the success of this pilot over the next several months. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please contact your Pinnacol agency relationship manager.

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Materials in Spanish

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